Cultural Cornerstones: Supporting the creative voice in crisis affected communities

The Kurds of Southeast Turkey

The Kurds of Southeast Turkey

Cultural Cornerstones has been working with Kurds in Istanbul and Turkish Kurdistan since 2001 to promote the cultural heritage and cultural rights of the Kurdish population in Turkey. During the last 80 years, both the cultural rights and basic human rights of the Kurds have been systematically abused by the Turkish state in what some scholars have called a cultural genocide. In this celebration of the Kurdish people, their land, and their musical traditions, we have tried to present an honest and holistic picture of the Kurdish people and the distinct traditions that they fight to keep alive... More on our work in Kurdistan

The Karen displaced on the Thai-Burmese border

The Karen displaced on the Thai-Burmese Border

After of being uprooted from their lands and living in constant uncertainty about their future, the Karen in refugee camps in Thailand and those who are internally displaced inside Burma have continued to celebrate and safeguard their traditions. In 2005, Cultural Cornerstones visited displaced Karen communities in Thailand and Burma in order to understand the ways forced migration and conflict affect their abilities to protect their cultural heritage and cultural rights... More from the displaced Karen

Roma Gypsies in Shutka, Macedonia

Roma Gypsies in Shutka, Macedonia

In 2000, Cultural Cornerstones, began working with Rom musicians and poets to share the beauty of Shutka’s artistic musical traditions with a wider audience and raise awareness of the forced displacement of thousands of Rom from their homes in Kosovo... More on our work in Shutka